Mods / 1.1.5 Marvel Superheroes mod for Minecraft PE 1.0.4 Mod adds famous superheroes and villains from the Marvel comics universe into MCPE. 163 173 +226
Mods / 1.16.221 Iceologer addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.40 The addon adds Iceologer into Minecraft PE - he may lose to glowing squid in the poll, but he won our hearts. 15 103 +31
Mods / 1.16.221 ChunkBounds addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.40 ChunkBounds addon allows you to see the exact border of every chunk in Minecraft PE. 12 239 +20
Mods / 1.16.221 Cenozoic Craft addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.40 The Cenozoic era is known for being abundant in ancient animal species, some of which lived up to modern times. 19 389 +27
Mods / 1.16.221 Boom Battle map for Minecraft PE 1.16.40 Boom Battle map consists of 23 mini-games for unlimited online fun with friends. 68 711 +33
Mods / 1.16.221 Fruits Frenzy addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.40 Create a refreshing and nutritious drink from fresh fruits that will boost your abilities. 16 053 +30
Mods / 1.16.221 Red Kart addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.40 Need a fun looking and reliable way of traveling your virtual world? Try out a kart. 9 468 +26
Mods / 1.16.221 Reverse Craft addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.20 Reverse Craft allows you to partially regain lost in the process of crafting resources. 14 363 +9
Mods / 1.16.221 Road Signs addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.40 If you're building a city, you should really think of setting up the road signs along the roads. 18 656 +38
Mods / 1.16.221 BMW M3 addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.20 Get legendary BMW M3 car in Minecraft PE - straight from the 90s. 13 801 +43
Mods / 1.16.221 Placeable Items addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.1 Put your favorite food on a plate or your armor on a couch using this addon. 87 173 +38
Mods / 1.16.221 Apache Helicopter addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.20 Sit behind the wheel of the combat helicopter Apache AH-64 using this addon for MCPE. 30 111 +42