Credits: BendyTheDemon18
Main features:
- The Searchers are humanoid creatures that are made of black ink and live only to hunt for a player.
- Projectionist - is a tall creature that has a projector instead of a head.
- The Butcher Gang is a group of monsters that are strong only when together.
- The Lost One - hostile humanoid mob covered in black ink.
- Bendy Cutout - fake Bendy, paper-thin.
- Alice Angel - turns Boris into either Brute Boris or a Dead Boris.
- Giant hand - can only be found underwater, it will try to grab you into the deep and suffocate you.
- Bertrum Piedmont - a boss fight, you cannot attack it while it keeps spinning - the boss also becomes stronger over time.
- Brute Boris is a tanky boss that likes to charge into his target.
- Beast Bendy - the hardest boss from the add-on, has almost infinite health.
- INK DEMON - another creepy monster.
- Alison, Tom, and Boris - are friendly mobs that can be tamed by feeding them with bread and mushroom stew.
- Weapons to help you in a fight - /give @s batim:axe, /give @s batim:pipe, /give @s batim:wrench, /give @s batim:sword, /give @s batim:tommygun

How to install addons:
- Download addon straight from your device
- Find and open .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
- Click it to import into Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Open the game
- Create a new world or edit an existing world
- Scroll down to the Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply
- Make sure to enable "Experimental Gameplay"