Mods / 1.16.221 / 1.14.60Updated Treasure addon Wouldn't it be more fun to be able to find treasures not only in temples but all around the world? 110 270 +52
Mods / 1.17.41 Jetpack addon Jetpack is a portable flying device that allows you to navigate through the in-game world quickly. 22 206 +22
Mods / 1.17.41 Spartan Shields addon Equip your character with a superior shield, which looks better and protects better. 28 028 +30
Mods / 1.17.41 Ex Nihilo addon Ex Nihilo is an addon for Minecraft PE 1.17.11 that introduces to the game a new crafting chain based on trees. 32 146 +20
Mods / 1.17.41 Tornado addon Tornado - a destructive natural disaster can now be summoned in Minecraft. 32 284 +43
Mods / 1.17.41 Ocean World addon Ocean World addon changes the generation of the world in a way that most of the map becomes set in the water. 22 554 +6
Mods / 1.17.41 Random food effects addon Eat food and get random effects applied to your character with this new simple addon. 16 637 +5
Mods / 1.17.41 / 1.16.221Updated Laundry Decoration addon How long ago did you do your laundry in Minecraft? Probably never. 54 468 +39
Mods / 1.17.41 Lockable Chest addon A lockable chest is a superior and safe container for your most precious items. 34 424 +31
Mods / 1.16.221 Village Generator addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.10 Addon allows you to generate villages in Minecraft PE from pre-built buildings using commands. 17 486 +29
Mods / 1.1.5 Train mod for Minecraft PE 1.0.5 Train is an alternative transport, more cost effective than cars, especially in cargo transportation. 36 575 +40
Mods / 1.16.221 Axolotl addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.40 Axolotl addon features a cute little creature that will be added into Minecraft PE in the Caves and Cliffs update. 14 055 +37