Mods / 1.16.221 Battlecraft addon Battlecraft takes best from many other weapon-oriented addons and brings it into MCPE. 363 963 +262
Mods / 1.21.51 / 1.16.221Updated Mining Hammer mod Increase your mining ores speed by crafting a much more superior instrument for that job - a hammer. 51 397 +132
Mods / 1.16.221Updated Mermaids addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.201 Mermaids are the new mob added into Minecraft PE that can be tamed for protection and pleasure. 29 789 +44
Mods / 1.16.221 / 1.14.60Updated Minecraft Dungeons addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.10 This addon based on the newest Mojang game - Minecraft Dungeons, it brings new mobs and items into MCPE. 34 315 +47
Mods / 1.16.221 Fake Players addon Fake Players addon allows you to populate your world with virtual players that can become a companion. 175 629 +41
Mods / 1.20.62 / 1.16.221Updated Nether Craft addon Nethercraft expands the latest update of the Minecraft PE even further. 24 694 +52
Mods / 1.16.221 Animated Cosmetic Items addon This addon adds several animated items that can be used as a cosmetic in MCPE. 55 978 +18
Mods / 1.16.221 More TNT addon Destroy your Minecraft world using the most fierce weapons ever created - nuke, hydrogen bomb, napalm, and more. 60 250 +80
Mods / 1.16.221 Ninja addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.10 I think everyone would agree that Ninjas are cool, and now you can become one in Minecraft PE. 17 494 +33
Mods / 1.17.41 / 1.16.221Updated Peepss Furniture addon for Minecraft PE Nothing makes life better than a nicely furnished house. 245 908 +354
Mods / 1.20.62 / 1.16.221Updated Christmas Decorations addon Christmas may be over, but its spirit should stay with us for the whole winter. 58 390 +89
Mods / 1.16.221 WW2 Artillery addon for Minecraft PE 1.16.40 The most deadly WW2 artillery is featured in this addon for Minecraft PE. 32 461 +64