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New Player Animations addon

The addon features new player animations with far more complex movements of the character in MCPE. Standard animations are dull in Minecraft and pretty straightforward. New animations, on the other hand, will add subtle movements of the hands when jumping or a little wiggle of the body when sneaking. As the new update popped up, new and more complex animations showed up. I'm speaking about combat-related animations involving sword-swinging, or movement animation while wielding a shield.

Credits: Vladu11, KID丶SKY

Main features:
  • Works in multiplayer.
  • New animations for walking, running, jumping, sneaking, swimming, and fishing.
  • Works fine with custom skins.
  • Better animations for hitting with sword, axe, shovel, and hoe.
  • New animations when riding a horse with a sword in hand.
  • Character burning animations.


New Player Animations addon

How to install addons:
  1. Download addon straight from your device
  2. Find and open .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
  3. Click it to import it into Minecraft Pocket Edition
  4. Open the game
  5. Create a new world or edit an existing world
  6. Scroll down to Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply

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Night wolf2142
sky how does the multiplayer work it keeps glitching the legs
It won't let me download in :(
InsideThe KUACI
Both my legs and arms stick together :/
Ian ford
it mite be your vishi mine is 1,16,201
Kenny Torres-Rodriguez
Why does this not work in my iPad
Strong gal
Wow.. this is so fake!
you have to use steve or alex
hey stop
if you use the alex or steve skin on education edition your legs and arms will stick together anyways so this is a scamFake!
hope you dont download it it just takes up your storge
please dont download please anyone who is reading this it does not work on education edition.
Don't work that much, and some animation did not work on my server, but the animations that were on were good!

ender man's eyes change.
wyatt =
YO CAN i get some friends to play with me
how is it fake…?
hey stop
BRO, YOU NEED TO USE YOUR VERSION, mine is 1.19.51, and it does work
Emmett Webb - MVE Student
what's funny about it is when you crouch you shake your booty
Guest Anonymous
It’s not made for education edition
Bro first take out your mobile sim and then try to install it may be it work
Owen Jakeman
It doesn't work with other mods
reload, if the code cannot be seen