Credits: vlad360

New Mobs:
- Mooblooms – Variants of Mooshrooms found in Meadows, Sunflower Plains, and Flower Forests. Yellow Mooblooms can create flowers underneath themselves with bonemeal, while Red Mooblooms spawn tall flowers.
- Frostbyte – A frosty zombie that inflicts Slowness upon attack and explodes with a Snow Burst on death.
- Blue Frog – Found in the Deep Dark and creates a Turquoise Froglight upon consuming magma cubes.
- Beekeeper Villager – A new villager profession created by using a Beehive on a villager, offering unique beekeeping trades.
- Radioactive Bug – Similar to bees, these bugs spawn in Mushroom Caves and inflict poison when in close range.
New Biomes:
- Mushroom Caves – Found under Mushroom Islands, these caves feature mushroomy stones, infected moss, and poisonous Shroomblossoms.
- End Forest – A mysterious, tree-filled biome in the End Dimension filled with dangerous Ender Crunchers.
- Garnet Caves – Special caves under various terrains containing Garnet and Gargot crystals, but beware of the self-destructive Garpite Crystals.
- Desert Temple – An expanded, multilevel Desert Temple with trials and rare loot.
New Structures:
- Deep Dark Shacks – Structures in the Deep Dark with loot similar to Ancient Cities, but without Swift Sneak or Armor Trims.
- Dinosaur Cemeteries – Rare structures found in Mega Taigas, containing dinosaur eggs and ancient relics.
- Dark Oak Forest Ruins – Ruins introduced in Minecraft Live 2020, now scattered across dark oak forests.
- Beach Ruins – Decayed coastal structures hiding treasures and ancient items.
Building Blocks:
- Amphibolite Blocks – A versatile, sturdy stone block found at high elevations, great for builders.
- Crystallized Honey – A rare food item crafted by smelting Honeycomb, with unique textures found in Minecraft files.
- Wax Block – A nostalgic block from Minecraft’s hidden files, obtainable by smelting a Honey Block.
- Emerald Armor & Tools – Craftable from emeralds, providing an extra health bar and unique effects for each tool, such as Speed, Water Breathing, and Regeneration.