Credits: DextenModsᴰᵉᵛ

Hammers are new tools suitable both for mining and fighting. This tool can only be made on a Hammers Crafting table. The feature that distinguishes it from a pickaxe is the ability to mine blocks in a 3x3 grid. All you need to do is to interact with a block or right-click if you're playing on a PC.

Dagger is a much smaller weapon than the sword, making it swifter. And it literally grants you a speed bonus if you crouch and tap while holding it.
Battleaxe, Greataxe - looks a bit more menacing than a regular ax, and they deal more damage too.
Great Sword - does more damage than a Greataxe, but that's about it.

New magic apples are made of ore, just like a golden apple. Each apple grants different bonuses to a character. Two apples have an additional power activating through eating them while crouching. Enderite Apple starts to levitate mobs in a 22 block radius around you for a short time period. Bronce Apple will strike the mobs with lighting.

As for the new armor - it is made like the regular one, just from different materials. It will require some time to collect so much ore to craft all armor sets, but it's worth it.

Crafting Recipes:

How to install addons:
- Download the addon straight from your device
- Find and open the .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
- Click on it to start importing into Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Open the game
- Create a new world or edit an existing world
- Scroll down to the Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply
- Make sure to enable all "Experimental gameplay" features in Settings