Credits: qduoubp

1. Acquire a Spellbook
Create a Spellbook using a Magic reinforcement table, a Book and quill, and a bunch of Lapis Lazuli. The Spellbook will initially be empty.
2. Learn Spells
Use the Learning station table to unlock available spell recipes.
3. Create Spells
Create Spells by choosing them on the Learning station. To upgrade the power of the spells, use a Magic Reinforcement Table and upgrade your Spellbook with Lapis Lazuli.
4. Add Spells to Spellbook
Use a Spellbinding table to attach spells to your spell book. Ensure compatibility between the Spell and the Spellbook.
5. Choose a Casting Weapon
Select a Wand, Staff, or Spellsword as your preferred casting method. Each type has its own advantages. Use Wands for basic spells and quick casting, and use Staff for slower casting but the most powerful spells, the Spellsword doesn't require a Spellbook but instead has its own set of spells.
6. Equip Spellbook
Place the Spellbook in your offhand inventory slot.

7. Cast Spells
Hold the casting weapon in your main hand and right-click to initiate the casting process. Charge the spell by holding the right-click button until the casting bar is full. Release the button to cast the spell.

You can learn multiple spells and cycle through by Sneaking and Taping, or Shift + Right-click if you're playing on PC.