Selfie camera addon
Become the proud owner of a Selfie camera in Minecraft PE and gain the ability to take cool pictures of yourself.
Chunk Loader addon
Chunk Loader addon is made for those rare occasions in the game when you want to keep chunks loaded.
Meowhen 16x texture pack
Enhance your Minecraft PE world with the Meowhen 16x texture pack! This adorable pack is perfect for those who want to bring a happier and cuter vibe.
Space Travel addon
Build a spaceship, travel through space to other planets, gather new resources in this addon.
BGRD Shader
Shaders are a useful tool that makes the game look beautiful, especially those supporting Render Dragon.
Diamond Hunt map
In Diamond Hunt, you compete with other players in agility, combat skills, and creativity all at once.
Mods / 1.20.62 / 1.18.32
Cruiser Craft addon
Traverse the vast plains of Minecraft PE with style using the cruiser bikes from this addon.