Cyberguns addon
Shoot the hell out of your adversaries using Cyberguns addon for Minecraft PE.
School Furniture addon
School furniture addon features several items that can be used to decorate school in Minecraft PE.
Half-Life decorations
If you don't care for visual coherence, the Half-Life decorations addon for Minecraft is a great choice for creating post-apocalyptic scenery.
Pirate Treasure addon
Imagine if Minecraft PE would have pirates in its world and they left treasure chests scattered everywhere around...
Mods / 1.20.62 / 1.18.32
Heavy weaponry addon
Installment of heavy weaponry around your base solves all potential security problems, and it doesn't require your attention at all.
Remotion addon
ReMotion is an exceptional resource pack that elevates the animations of every mob in Minecraft, enhancing both their movements and facial expressions.
Shrek addon
Shrek addon adds one unfriendly ogre into Minecraft PE who just wants to be left alone.
Block Geo Fixer addon
Block Geo Fixer patches something that shouldn't be broken in the first place, textures rendering.