Rainbow One block map
You start your crazy survival journey on a lonely rainbow block that contains random items...
Mods / 1.21.51 / 1.20.62
Disenchanting Table
A Disenchanting table allows the players to take out the enchant from any item back into the book.
Size Scaler addon
Adjust the size of your character from dwarf to giant as needed with the Scaler addon.
Mods / 1.21.51 / 1.20.62
Mods / 1.18.32 / 1.17.41
Road Builder addon
The vast empty lands of Minecraft PE need an infrastructure upgrade, and the Road builder addon will help you with that.
Woodland Mansion seed: -396676922
Woodland Mansion is a new type of structure that were added in Minecraft PE 1.1.0 and can be found only in the roofed forest biome.
Ghostbusters - Hide and Seek map
The Ghostbusters Hide and Seek Map is a captivating 2-in-1 gaming experience, featuring two arenas inspired by the Ghostbusters movie.
Instant Houses addon
The Instant Houses addon allows you to become a proud Minecraft homeowner in minutes.
Mods / 1.21.51 / 1.18.32
Magic Bag addon
Magic Bag is a flying carrying unit that will slightly free your pockets off stuff.