Credits: AgentMindStorm
Here's the list of some noticeable changes:
- Overworld fog has been lightened, and underwater fog now varies in color depth, creating a clearer, more immersive experience.
- Sky colors now match Java Edition for each biome, enhancing the visual feel across different areas.
- In first-person view, bows, crossbows, tridents, shields, and spyglasses now have smooth animations, along with a smoother drawing transition for bows and crossbows.
- Snowflakes have been made smaller for a subtler snow effect.
- Textures for blocks like Stone, Bedrock, and Deepslate now show slight variations, adding detail to landscapes and structures.
- The water is now clearer, making underwater exploration easier and more visually appealing.
- All entities have reverted to pre-Village & Pillage textures, giving them a more classic look.