Ragdoll addon
Introducing the Ragdoll Addon, a Minecraft modification that adds sophisticated physics-based animations.
Simple Warfare addon
Simple Warfare eradicates the need for you to deal with nasty enemies by hand in Minecraft through the introduction of guns.
Mods / 1.20.62 / 1.18.32
Amethyst tools addon
Amethyst is a new beautiful mineral that can be used now as a material for tools and rings.
Mods / 1.20.62 / 1.18.32
Gilded Nether armor
Gilded Netherite armor provides players with a new way to utilize Gilded Blackstone by introducing an armor set.
Dungeon Craft addon
A breach in space and time has occurred, leading to a clash of the world's most powerful civilizations on the new battlefield.
PUBG addon
Turn your Minecraft world into a no-rules battle royale based on the PUBG game.
Mods / 1.20.62 / 1.18.32
Anime Waifus add-on
Anime Waifus have taken over Minecraft and now are waiting for the senpai to come.
The Doggos addon
The Doggos addon brings an exciting new dimension to Minecraft's wolves by introducing a vast array of dog breeds.
Mods / 1.20.62 / 1.18.32
Time Stop addon
Time stop addon for Minecraft allows freezing everything around you, including mobs and gravity.
All in one Tool addon
The All in One Tool addon allows you to free yourself from carrying unnecessary tools and save inventory space.