Credits: Zalcyan

The Frissania Forest - is another unusual forest biome, now infested with harmless bugs. It is also known to be a place where space marauders have been seen multiple times. Their ship often floats above the trees.

The Miren - reminds me of Crimson Forest with his red-crowned trees. The place is inhabited by small creatures called Mili. They don't like public attention and become invisible when someone approaches them.

Skreepogs do not have a homeland - their whole species is traveling on spaceships in search of resources. They are extremely hostile but can become a source of alien technology.

The Lorlands - is a biome illustrating the early years of our planet when everything, every inch of the land, was covered in lava. But even in the volcanic desert, there is a place for life forms, in this case, rocky golems.

The Moonlen - dense fog covers the place, making it a highly likely place to get lost in. The terrain consists of trees, cliffs, and waterfalls. There is a boss in this area.

The Gulumar - a homeplace for the race of Aqe, a species told to be the ones who terraformed the planet. It's a forest of giant toxic mushrooms.
How to install addons:
- Download addon straight from your device
- Find and open .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
- Click it to import into Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Open the game
- Create a new world or edit an existing world
- Scroll down to the Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply
- Make sure to enable all "Experimental gameplay" features in Settings