Credits: TrueCowboy

Backpacks can be made in any color. Just take a dye and use it on a backpack while it's on the ground.

If you want to put on the backpack, just walk over it. The indicator at the bottom of the screen will become filled, and you'll be able to see the backpack in a third-person view.

To remove a backpack, you'll be required to use a glove. Once applied, it will put the backpack on the ground in front of you.

There are two ways to load items into the backpack - either by opening inventory while wearing it or by throwing the items at the backpack while it is on the ground.

The backpack has acquired three additional slots that are used to hang the tools on it.
How to craft a backpack
The standard backpack comes with 64 inventory slots. It can be expanded to 256 by putting an Ender Bag item into the last slot of the three to the left. Two other slots are meant for a pickaxe and liquid in a bucket.

There is a bug on a game version of 1.19, at least, which makes the backpack invisible when you put him on the ground the first time. Make him visible again by destroying the block under it.
- Dye backpacks with any color and switch designs without losing stored items.
- Optional decorative visuals for tools and buckets.
- Removes UI elements to avoid conflicts with other addons or server setups.
- No experimental toggles required for smooth functionality.
- Dynamic lighting with lava buckets in primary slots.
- Range indicator to show whether the backpack is equipped.
- Improved crafting and interaction mechanics for user convenience.
- Enhanced designs and new backpack slots for specialized storage.
- Ender Chest Integration: Transform a simple backpack into an Ender Backpack for massive storage capacity.