Credits: AmGamer766
All bows you can get:
- Iron Bow - doesn't require arrows to shoot, does 5 hearts of damage.
- Golden Bow - doesn't require arrows to shoot, does 7 hearts of damage.
- Diamond Bow - doesn't require arrows to shoot, does 9 damage, infinite durability.
- Netherite Bow - doesn't require arrows to shoot, does 12 damage.
- Ender Bow - does 6 damage, teleports you to the place where the arrow lands.
- Ice Bow - does 7 damage, slows down the target for a limited time.
- Fire Bow - does 6 damage, ignites target upon hit.
- Healing Bow - does 0 damage, heals entities on hit.
- One Hit Bow - does 40 damage per shot.
- TNT Bow - does 4 damage, arrow explodes on impact.
- Green Arrow Bow - does 1 damage, extremely fast shooting bow.

Crafting Recipes:

How to install addons:
- Download addon straight from your device
- Find and open .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
- Click it to import into Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Open the game
- Create a new world or edit an existing world
- Scroll down to Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply
- Make sure to enable "Experimental" game features in the world settings