At some point in time, the concept of the addon changed and now it adds new tools too. Which in total makes up for 350+ new items added into the game.
Credits: Captain_Elingo
Main features:
- Air Sword = 1 Damage
- Quartz Sword = 8 Damage
- Ice Sword = 10 Damage
- Magma Sword = 10 Damage
- Dirt Sword = 1 Damage
- Melon Sword = 7 Damage
- Bamboo Sword = 3 Damage
- Blackstone Sword = 6 Damage
- Ender Sword = 6 Damage
- Obsidian Sword = 7 Damage
- Crying Obsidian Sword = 7 Damage
- Prismarine Sword = 7 Damage
- Rainbow Sword = 16 Damage
- Bone Sword = 5 Damage
- Honeycomb Sword = 5 Damage
- Glass Sword = 8 Damage
- Clay Sword = 3 Damage
- Leather Sword = 3 Damage
- Crimson Wooden Sword = 5 Damage
- Warped Wooden Sword = 5 Damage
- Chorusfruit Sword = 8 Damage
- Cake Sword = 6 Damage
- Andesite Sword = 5 Damage
- Diorite Sword = 5 Damage
- Granite Sword = 5 Damage
- Oak Wooden Sword = 4 Damage
- Birch Wooden Sword = 4 Damage
- Spruce Wooden Sword = 4 Damage
- Jungle Wooden Sword = 4 Damage
- Dark Oak Wooden Sword = 4 Damage
- Acacia Wooden Sword = 4 Damage
- Sponge Sword = 3 Damage
- Redstone Sword = 5 Damage
- Soulsand Sword = 4 Damage
- Totem Sword = 8 Damage
- Bedrock Sword = 100 Damage
- Cobblestone Sword = 5 Damage
- Mossy Cobblestone Sword = 5 Damage
- Stone Sword = 5 Damage

How to install addons:
- Download the addon to your device
- Find and open the .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
- Click on it to import it into Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Open the game
- Create new or edit an existing world
- Scroll down to the Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply
- Make sure to enable "Experimental Gameplay"