Credits: AlecsDeveloper
Sanity Mechanics: How to lose or restore sanity
- Light Levels: Staying in bright areas (LL ≥ 13) increases your sanity by 3 every 20 seconds. Dim or dark areas (LL ≤ 4) can decrease sanity by up to 4 per cycle.
- Food Quality: Eating high-quality food gives 10 sanity, while low-quality or raw food reduces sanity by 10 or 5 points.
- Flowers: A 40% chance of gaining 2 sanity occurs every 12 seconds if you have a flower in your inventory.
- Mob Kills: Killing mobs reduces your sanity by 2 points per kill.
- Taking Damage: Each point of damage you take removes twice that amount in sanity.
- Dimension Change: Shifting between dimensions costs 20 sanity points.
- Garland: Wearing a Garland restores 10 sanity every 40 seconds but consumes durability.
- Nearby Mobs: If more than 10 monsters are nearby, you'll lose 1 sanity per monster, up to 20 every 20 seconds.
- Healing: Recovering health adds 2 sanity points per health point restored.
- Respawn: Respawning restores 75 sanity instead of the usual 100.

Increase your sanity level by crafting upgrade templates or wear a flower in Garland to keep the sanity high.