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Minecraft Essentials addon

With the Minecraft Essentials addon, you can earn and spend virtual money to buy blocks and items in Minecraft PE. The addon features a full-fledged economy system that can be incorporated into Realms servers and used in single-player mode. Currency can be earned by slaying mobs or selling your items to other players. There's also an auction house that allows players to put their items up for sale with a set price, making trading convenient as it doesn’t require players to meet in person.

The server admin can set up an in-game shop with predefined prices for blocks and items. Every action in the addon starts with a chat command, although the auction house and shop come with a user-friendly interface.

Credits: Paoo


!back (Teleport to the death location)
!info (Shows information set by the server owner)
!message (Send PM to another player)
!reply (Reply to the private message)
!report (Create/View report)
!rtp (Teleport to random location)


!delhome (Delete home location)
!home (Teleport to home location)
!listhome (Show the list of homes)
!sethome (Set a new home location)

!land (Claim land)

Shop system in Minecraft PE where you can buy blocks

!auctionhouse (Open the auction house)
!money (Show the current balance)
!pay (Send money to the player)
!sell (Sell items)
!shop (Open the shop)
!topmoney (List of wales)

!removeranks (Remove ranks from a player)
!tpa (Request the teleport to a player)
!tpacancel (Cancel all teleport requests)
!tpaccept (Accept a tpa request from a player)
!tpahere (Request a player teleport to you)
!warp (Teleport to selected warp)
!listwarp (Provides list of available warp)

Earn money by hunting for monsters

Put your items on auction for other players to buy

Admin commands
Use /tag @s add admin to give yourself admin
!adminpanel (Open admin panel)
!ban (Ban a player)
!broadcast (Broadcast a message to the world)
!delwarp (Delete warp location)
!log (Show logs)
!mute (Mute a player)
!resetdata (Reset all or specific data)
!sellsetting (Set up items for sale)
!setting (Set a configuration)
!setwarp (Create a new warp)
!shopsetting (Configure shop)
!teleport (Teleport to a player)
!tempban (Temporary ban a player)

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