But if you've ever imagined yourself rocking Anakin Skywalker's or a Clone Trooper outfit, now is your lucky hour.

Another significant aspect of the addon is lightsabers and force powers. Lightsabers can be crafted, but you'll need to find a Cyberkrystal, and it won't be easy. You can use dark side and light side powers, such as lightning or force push, to your advantage in combat. Combine the force with precise lightsaber movements to slice through the armies of enemies.

Drones and the mercenaries will be your main rivals in the game. Find and defeat elite enemies from the Clone Wars era, such as Obi-Wan or Sith Inquisitor, to get their items.

If you're not a fan of ground combat, you can become a starship fighter. Summon the fighter using the hologram and take control to blast your enemies from the sky.