At the moment, this is definitely one of the most ambitious mods about dinosaurs for Minecraft PE 1.16.10 that we've ever seen. If you want to immerse yourself into the atmosphere of that era, even more, try out Jurassic Park map which you may find at the downloads section.
Credits: Gona, Daniel Martinez, HipmanDesignz
Basic info about dinosaurs:
- All dinosaurs are tameable as babies.
- Dinosaurs eggs can be found lying in the world - you can collect them by hitting.
- Use apple, wheat, carrots, or meat to domesticate herbivorous and carnivorous babies!
- Some dinosaurs such as Apatosaurus, lambeosaurus, edmontosaurus, iguanodon, albertosaurus, corythosaurus, tenontosaurus, and Achillobator, can be used as a mount by putting on a saddle!
- You can breed dinosaurs to get their eggs!
- It takes 10-15 minutes for an egg to hatch.
- Dinosaurs naturally lay two eggs every 1-2 hours of play.
- You can get DNA from Indominus Rex by killing it!
- Dinosaurs drop leather!

Steve went into the library to learn more about Velociraptors and actually meet one of them by accident, now he is hiding and hopes they are not eating humans.

Everyone remembers how Indominus Rex died in the Jurassic World film, but it seems like it not gonna die so easily in the game, in fact, it will likely kick everyone's ass.

T. Rex is a king of dinosaurs and you probably don't want to meet him, unless you tame its baby by feeding some raw meat. When it will show you some love hearts and become an adult, you will be able to ride on his back and point the way to go by the iron sword.