SeedsNew Every major Minecraft biome seed Do you want to have a fresh start in Minecraft in a specific biome? I welcome you to try our seeds with every major biome in the game. 9 881 -31
Seeds Two snow villages and floating Igloo: gxbrr On this seed discover two snow villages, both has blacksmith, almost full iron armor set in the chests, tools and a weird Igloo. 24 802 +111
Seeds Igloo & Ice Spikes biome: 1410403532 One of the new things in Minecraft 0.17.0 is generation of the new type of structures called - Igloo. 10 368 +20
Seeds Stronghold at spawn: village pls This seed is the shortest way to find a stronghold, which has been added in Minecraft 0.17.0 Pocket Edition. 14 460 +44
Seeds Jungle biome seed: extreme Sometimes you just want to play on some specific biome - jungle, for example. 15 014 +50
Seeds Village and Stronghold seed: legend of luuc This seed allows you to find a Stronghold in a few minutes - which can really become a problem in some worlds. 14 366 +32
Seeds Ocean monument seed: -513070979 Ocean monument is a new kind of structure that can be generated in Minecraft world and its hard to find. 17 622 +36
Seeds Top 10 seeds for Minecraft PE 1.1.4 Here is our list of the Top 10 seeds for Minecraft PE 1.1.4 which will make your start easier. 43 731 +89
Seeds Ravine at spawn: -1775820978 Ravine is a new type of randomly generated landscape, which can be useful to the player because of resources that can be found there. 20 391 +109
Seeds Ice Peaks and Two villages: 187626364 Ice peaks is pretty rare biome, but two villages in that biome is even more uncommon phenomenon. 17 120 +61
Seeds Ice peaks and Taiga biome: 949478733 Ice peaks biome is very rare, but very beautiful place, so as taiga - you will be able to quickly find them both using this seed. 11 706 +31
Seeds Mesa biome and mineshaft seed: tex Mineshaft is always a nice thing to find, it contains a lot of resources - mostly gold and iron. 11 416 +25