Credits: Angeldfire2

The list of modules
- Portable Farming: Automatically plant seeds from your backpack when walking over tilled soil. Adds 3 seed slots.
- Auto Food: Automatically consume food stored in your backpack when your health is low.
- Portable Furnace: Carry a furnace in your backpack, allowing you to cook items on the go.
- Portable Furnace Level 2: Upgraded furnace with 4 extra fuel slots for more efficient cooking.
- Portable Jukebox: Listen to music through a portable player. Only plays records made for the backpack, with sound limited to the player.
- Extra Hearts: Grants 4 additional hearts of health when equipped.
- Auto Tree Felling: Automatically chop down an entire tree when you cut the base block.
- Item Magnet: Attract nearby items within a 6-block radius to your player.
- Item Magnet Level 2: Upgraded magnet with item filtering, only attracting selected items within 6 blocks.
- Mining Speed: Grants Mining Haste IV for faster mining when equipped.
- Dynamic Torch: Provides a light source that moves with the player.
- Auto Transfer Items: Automatically transfers items from the ground to your backpack if your inventory is full.
- Aquatic Breathing: Allows the player to breathe underwater when equipped.
- Climb: Enables players to climb walls as if they were ladders.