Credits: IsraOrbit

Demon Difficulty:
- Zombies, zombie villagers, and zombie piglins have a higher chance of spawning as babies.
- Endermen are aggressive and faster.
- Hostile mobs have a 20% chance to revive on death.
- Hostile mobs have a 20% chance to drop items on death.
- Animals have only a 25% chance to drop items when killed, and the player or a pet must kill the animal.
- Reduced animal spawn rate by 75%.
- Most hostile mobs can climb blocks.
- Zombies can spawn in broad daylight.
- Some hostile entities may appear with greater speed and strength.
- Endermen can sometimes spawn while invisible.
- Piglins are neutral only if the player wears a gold chestplate.

Insane Difficulty:
- All hostile mobs have a very high vision and tracking range (64 blocks).
- Further increased hostile mob spawn rates, in larger groups.
- Skeletons shoot arrows from 22 blocks away.
- Undead entities don't burn during the day.
- Zombified piglins are aggressive.
- Reduced animal spawn rate by 50%.
- Hostile mobs have a 40% chance of dropping items on death.
- Animals have only a 50% chance to drop items when killed, and the player or a pet must kill the animal.