Credits: ItsDarkwolf6
Prepare for intense battles by crafting "Manifest Paper," a crucial item for summoning the addon's bosses.
Boss Fights - Part I:
Brawneus, Heretic of Rot: A decaying Piglin brute with a chance to enrage and become invincible.
Loot: Brawneus drops the formidable "Brawler" Sword.
Limbosis, Heretic of End: A Rogue Enderman with the ability to spawn clones and teleport when enraged.

Loot: Limbosis yields "Endbreaker" Sword.
Alatarah, Heretic of Magic: An evoker with an expanded spell list and a formidable appearance.

Loot: Alatarah offers the powerful "Majar" Blade.
Osseous, Heretic of Blood: A mutated wither skeleton that summons Blood Skeletons for backup.
Loot: Osseous provides the relentless "Ossein" chainsaw.
Face "The Disciples," mutated overworld creatures blessed by an ancient entity.
Collect "Battle Coins" for trading with Inanis.
Prepare with "Void Brew" to take on the challenging bosses.
Boss Fights - Part II:
Deathblade, Skeleton of Crystalization: A powerful crystalized wither skeleton.
Loot: Deathblade drops "Tier II Battle Coins."
Alatar, Evoker of Envy: A dark magic-wielding evoker with irrational attacks.

Loot: Alatar yields "Tier II Battle Coins."
Brawlatar, Disciple of Dissension: An arena-loving monster with hazardous dust pools.
Loot: Brawlatar offers "Tier II Battle Coins."
Eribus, Disciple of Culmination: A teleporting enderman with fierce attacks.
Loot: Eribus drops "Tier II Battle Coins."
Alatine Armor:

Infuse yourself with Alatines' powers, gaining high defense.
Set Bonus: Gain permanent "Void Brew" effects while wearing the full Alatine Armor set.
The Final Manifest:
Unlock the "Extorris-Poeta, The First Creator" boss battle for a tough fight.
New Blocks: Boss heads for decoration.

Final Sword - Zenith:
Craft the ultimate "Zenith" sword from collected swords.
Abilities: "Creator's Mark" inflicts wither and weakness on enemies, while "Escaton Judgement" obliterates nearby foes.
Prepare for the ultimate Minecraft challenge with "Disciples of The Void: Volume I." Defeat the powerful bosses, collect unique loot, and unleash the formidable "Zenith" sword.