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Loled Furniture add-on

We've seen many furniture add-ons for Minecraft in the past, but wait until you see how detailed Loled furniture is. Every piece of furniture boasts a meticulously crafted model yet miraculously manages to preserve the game's original style. Whether you're seeking to create a cozy corner in your house or aiming to have a bathroom rather than just a hole in the ground, this addon has it all. Currently, there are more than 160 new blocks available, and more are being added regularly.

Credits: Loled

Bedroom furniture

Garden furniture

Xbox and wall mounted TV

City decorations

Kitchen furniture


Like in any civilized place in the world, money will buy you furniture in this addon. First, craft money with paper and then put it into a Stonecutter.


How to install addons:
  1. Download the addon straight from your device
  2. Find and open the .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
  3. Click on it to start importing into Minecraft Pocket Edition
  4. Open the game
  5. Create a new world or edit an existing world
  6. Scroll down to the Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply
  7. Make sure to enable all "Experimental gameplay" features in Settings

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Suman shrestha
I want to play Minecraft
i love minecraft
David Burris love pickles
Minecraft is dope
bruh how do u start the car
Same jayd! play it 1 hour a day do be me tho XD
Bro, have you ever heard of keys my man?
Tristan Martinez
it doesnt work on edu :((
Lucas Vallejo
it worked for me on edu
Bro, have you ever heard of mobile my man?
it wont craft the money

it won't craft the money
I WILK tell if the mods will works
I will test if it works
This sucks
Does not load at all, I even tried to add it the my game after it was made. Still did not work
i know it made me upset because it didnt start
laila watkins
How do I start the car
ofcose i also wanna play minec raft
i donty know
reload, if the code cannot be seen