Homepage » Mods » Bridges addon

Bridges addon

The addon allows you to build realistic and detailed bridges in Minecraft PE. What does a regular bridge in Minecraft look like? Probably a straight line of blocks that doesn't even look good. A proper bridge should have weight distribution to not fall off from the wind blowing. This addon features 9 bridges from different materials that can serve as a bridge or decoration.

Credits: Noah22nice

Main features:
  • Oak Wood Bridge
  • Spruce Wood Bridge
  • Oak Wood Bridge
  • Dark Oak Wood Bridge
  • Jungle Wood Bridge
  • Acacia Wood Bridge
  • Crimson Wood Bridge
  • Warped Wood Bridge
  • Bamboo Bridge

How to craft:
Bridges addon

Character on a bridge


suspension bridge

How to install addons:
  1. Download addon straight from your device
  2. Find and open .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
  3. Click on it to start importing into Minecraft Pocket Edition
  4. Open the game
  5. Create a new world or edit an existing world
  6. Scroll down to the Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply
  7. Make sure to enable all "Experimental Gameplay" options

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i wanna
uhhhh this dosent work is this broken cus i tried both
do you use minecraft edu
no it dose not work
Someone please play with me i am lonely and have no friends. ( Like literaly)
Cara esse módulo ontem estava dando erro na hora de instalar pelo Minecraft bedrock, dá uma verificada, muito legal a ideia
Herobrine Noch
This dumb addon don’t work I even tried withe expirements and nothing worked none of the crafts

Ps it doesn’t have any bridge crafter
I will play with you
Tony King
ya i will play
your MOMMA
do you use edu
join map,potion,potion,potion
reload, if the code cannot be seen