Homepage » Mods » Evil Herobrine addon

Evil Herobrine addon

Challenge yourself to defeat the most terrifying creature in the Minecraft world: Herobrine. The evil brother of Notch, who died and became a malevolent spirit, haunting players around the globe. He is a formidable opponent with abilities like teleportation, flying, summoning TNT, and spawning minions. Herobrine constantly teleports, making it nearly impossible to hit him. The only way to defeat him is to survive until he starts to blink—then unleash all your damage at once.

Credits: TheEnderface, JohnTriztanArtz_MCPEDL

Herobrine in Minecraft PE

One of the Herobrine's power

Explosion caused by Herobrine

How to install addons:
  1. Download the addon to your device
  2. Find and open the .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
  3. Click on it to import it into Minecraft Pocket Edition
  4. Open the game
  5. Create new or edit an existing world
  6. Scroll down to the Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply

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Binam Subedi
how do you summon him?!?!?!?
I don’t know
You have to bild an irn golum and use the herbrine head
Build an Iron golem totem
The Le Epic One
There is a spawn egg
The Le Epic One
You search Herobrine, and there will be a spawn egg
He spawned in but I can’t see him.
Bruh beacuse its black and when is black u cant see him
The hacker
🙀 Haces un cuadro de 3×3 de oro en el centro piedra musgosa arriba netherrack lo prendes en fuego le tiras la cabeza de Herobrain y listo
The hacker
Esperen una pregunta como lo paro 😲😲😲
Abhinav MineCrafter
Firstly, search Herobrine in the crafting menu (creative mode) then spawn him by using the egg 😂 if useful please like
Kp Singh Singh
Hii i am Kp Singh
yeah how do you summon??
Emmett Webb - MVE Student
you people need to speak english
among us dude
it doesnyt work
It's simple guys: just type in /summon :)
reload, if the code cannot be seen