Credits: Lord Raiyon
The list of new enchantments:
- Fire Riptide - trident enchantment that allows you to pull yourself out of the lava by throwing a trident.
- Scorching Heat - auto-smelt ore enchantment for a pickaxe.
- Orb Collector - receive additional XP while mining with a pickaxe.
- Super Miner - pickaxe enchantment to mine in 3x3 area.
- Sweeping Edge - a sword will be dealing damage in an area.
- Winter Aspect - freezes a mob on a sword attack.
- Tree Capitator - axe enchantment that allows for destroying the whole tree by damaging the first block.
- Sculk Eyes - night vision effect for your helmet.
- Health Boost - increases health by enchanting a chest plate.
- Burning Thorns - your chest armor will damage attacking mobs with fire.
- Armoring - extra armor on your chest plate.
- Drowned Step - swimming speed while wearing leggings with this enchantment.
- Agility - make faster running boots.
- Magma Walker - boots enchantment allowing one to walk on lava like a Jesus on water.
- Slime Feets - jump higher and do not receive fall damage.

All new enchantment books can be created on the Netherite Enchantment Table. To enchant an actual item, use a Smithing table.

Crafting Recipes: