Credits: MyoHtet
Main features of the addon:
- Marine Armor Set (Chainmail) - military form used by US marines corps.
- Nuke (TNT) - upgraded version of TNT, has a longer fuse and higher explosion radius.
- Grenade (egg) - throwable explosive, harshly falls down after a second of flying, no matter what.
- Magnum (bow and arrows) - powerful gun, can be charged for higher damage, but needs ammo.
- Grenade launcher (ender pearl) - inflicts big explosion and ignition, has a short delay between shots.
- Assault rifle (snowball) - a fast weapon for medium ranges.
- Knife (iron sword) - melee weapon.

Grenade Launcher is my favorite weapon so far, you can easily deal with a group of various monsters in a second. I tried it on the group of shulkers and fried them like a chicken, it breaks any walls, so it can be used even for digging.

How to install addons:
- Download addon straight from your device
- Find and open .mcpack or .mcworld files that you download earlier
- Click it to import into Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Open the game
- Create a new world or edit an existing world
- Scroll down to Add-ons section and select the ones you want to apply