Maps / Creation SW: Battle on Hoth map [Structures] This map for Minecraft copies the battle on the planet Hoth - one of the key episodes of the original Star Wars trilogy. 31 693 +22
Maps / Creation Bro Land map for Minecraft PE 1.12.0 Bro Land is a fan-made copy of PewDiePie's map from his Minecraft let's play. 35 679 +105
Maps / Creation Slimeblock Elevator map [Redstone] Slimeblock Elevator - is map which demonstrates how to realize working elevator in Minecraft PE. 15 673 -5
Maps / Creation Semi-automatic redstone farms for Minecraft 1.0.8 On this map you can see the examples of working semi-automatic redstone farms for Minecraft PE 1.0.8, that you can copy to use by yourself. 16 091 +17
Maps / Creation Mystery Shack map for Minecraft PE 1.0.3 Mystery Shack is a house from Gravity Falls TV show - it is a place well hidden in the woods, that provides to its visitors a lot of different mysteries. 13 042 +5
Maps / Creation Space shuttle and ISS map for Minecraft 1.0.0 If you are a big fun of space, you will be pleased of this cool copies of Space shuttle and ISS. 18 523 +13
Maps / Creation The Lands of Notch map for Minecraft PE 1.1.3 This map is probably the largest artificially built archipelago in Minecraft PE history. 27 734 +41
Maps / Creation Naval base map for Minecraft PE 1.2.0 Map recreates US naval base of the WWII times - at least the creator of the map claims so. 28 134 +44
Maps / Creation Big City map for Minecraft PE 1.0.2 There are a lot of maps of different kinds, but not many of them recreates the whole big city in game. 38 206 +37
Maps / CreationUpdated Pixel art map for Minecraft PE 1.5.2 If you consider yourself a geek, you may find interesting this MCPE map with various pixel art. 21 000 -11
Maps / Creation Real Madrid stadium map for Minecraft PE 1.1.0 This map recreates a home stadium for soccer team Real madrid, this year's UEFA Champions League winner. 26 960 +44
Maps / Creation Gingerbread house map for Minecraft PE 1.2.8 Gingerbread house is a famous building from fairy tales that will bring you a Christmas atmosphere. 15 937 +29